Calling all you writers, artists and photographers! Enter our contest, win prizes and get your stories posted online! We will be awarding prizes for best story, plus second and third prizes, every 3 months. Look for winners to be posted July 31, 2007, Oct. 31, 2007, Jan. 31, 2008, and every 3 months following. Remember, you
have to enter to win! And we need your parents' OK if you are 13 or younger. Remember, too, artwork you created to go with your story, or a photo could make your chances of winning greater! Click the button above on rules, and then the "Send us your story" button, to enter. You'll also see buttons at the bottom of this page that take you to sample stories, to give you some ideas on how to get started. All Prize Winners will receive FREE stuff, including --
Contest Rules
Send us your story Read a story from "Pawprints" |