Kids from Los Angeles Review Pawprints, and the NEW Pawprints Writing Clubs.
From the very first Pawprints Writing Club at Balboa Sports Center, Los
"I'm very grateful for the kind comments of the kids, and many thanks
to Karen Kalsman, Recreation Facilities Director, and Stacy, Rich and
all the gang for their generous support of 'Pawprints!' Except for
the teasing on Squirrel Day, which will be a 'Pawprint"' to remember, in the next Pawpress books edition!"  |


like ‘Pawprints’ because it’s funny, romantic, freaky, and sort
of weird. And because it’s about animals. Also because there’s
lots for reading...I bring the book into school, and my teacher
really likes it, too. I read the stories to kids at my
table, and they ask for more stories from 'Pawprints,' instead of other
Karen Levano,
Age 8 1/2 |
guarantee you if you start reading this book, you won't put it
down. It's exciting to see what's going to happen next!
I wish this class wouldn't end!
Rachel Lau, Age 10 |
"Sometimes I read ‘Pawprints’ to my parents and they ask me if
Ina’s writing another book, because they really like the stories.
I like to take 'Pawprints' to read in bed at night, and I bring it
to school, too, to read to other kids. They really like the
stories, too."
Cynthia Kaye, Age 9 |

"This is the best
reading and writing class I ever had! It’s fun and exciting...’cause
I love animals and the stories are about animals." Sophia Lopez, age 10 |

Kids from some of the
other places in Los Angeles have said:
"Do we have to stop reading
From kids ages 7-12,
at the campfire, WOW - L.A. (Wonderful Outdoor World, program teaching
camping skills to inner city kids, sponsored by the City of
L.A., U.S.D.A. Forest Service, U.S.D.I. Bureau of Land Management,
American Recreation Coalition, the Walt Disney Company and other
environmental organizations. WOW is a terrific program, now
available in other cities in the U.S. For information on getting
WOW to your city, recreation or community center, contact The
Recreation Roundtable at 202-682-9530
these stories!"
Wesley, age 12, Baldwin Hills Recreation Center, City of L.A. Dept. of
Rec and Parks |
"I love 'Moonlit Fox!'
Do you mind if we rap it?"
(Teens in a band at
special safe haven house, working with Ina to prepare for 'Pawprints
Live' -- spoken word and music show.
Contact Ina if you are
interested in getting more information about "Pawprints Live!") |

© 2002 Ina S. llebrandt. Last update April 2012 |