By Karen L., age 8 1/2, and Cynthia
K., age 9,
As told to Rachel L., age 10, and
Ina Hillebrandt, age, none of your business
Illustrated by Sophia L., age 10
The first day we ate dog food, we thought it was
chicken. We were five years old, and dumb! But we did find out
it was crunchy and delicious! Here's how it happened…
We opened up a can of what we thought was Campbell's
soup. And we put it on a plate for Angel, our dog. Then we put
chicken and rice Karen's mom left for us on another plate. We
also put rice on the dog's plate. We accidentally gave the dog
our plate instead of her plate. We started eating from “our”
plate; it had crunchy brown balls, peas, little pieces of
carrot, and rice. There was also sauce on top. We dug in.
Then, Karen's brother, Jonathan, came in and said,
"Why are you eating dog food?"
We said, "Huh? We're not eating dog food! We're
eating Mom's chicken and rice!"
"No, you're eating Angel's dog food" Jonathan
We ignored him and kept eating. Then, Jonathan
said, "Why don't you look at what Angel's eating?"
There was Angel, eating our steak! We got
But we found out we actually like dog food,
and have been eating it ever since. Except when there's steak.
