WHEN: MONDAYS 10:00 am - 11:45 am
11338 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025
PRICE: FREE! Co-Sponsored by Pawpress and Felicia Mahood Senior
Multipurpose Center, a facility of the City of Los Angeles
Department of Recreation & Parks
See some of our students perform their works in Spoken Word with Music Shows
New -- Video showing our class members celebrating the launch of a book of their wonderful life stories
Note: Grief Lifters Flyer has information about the program but
dates/times are subject to
change. Please Contact us for up-to-date dates and times. |

See new video...
of our writing program
and books
Use our how-to book to organize
your own memoirs!
People who have used it say:
"The prompts really make it easy! Even if I never intended to
write about my life, I would enjoy the lovely memories that this book
brings to mind...I would recommend this book to anyone...it encourages
you to give writing a try." Kay Roberts, contributing author,
Stories From The Heart, Vol. 2
"I find Ina Hillebrandt's How
to Write Your Memoirs to be a comprehensive and concise manual.
It starts with basic information which systematically leads into a
variety of ideas and examples of style and substance....a helpful tool
for future writers...I believe it will even inspire some that think of
themselves as not possessing writing skills. I enjoyed the book
and strongly recommend it." David Brook, member Pawprints Writing
Club, and contributing author to the group's Amazon.com

Ina's Writing Workshops™
for Seniors, and Staff Training
We are now conducting two types of writing workshops for seniors, and staff training workshops on --
Footprints Memoir Writing Clubs
are effective and popular programs for seniors in adult living and community organizations. We also offer staff training workshops. Our special exercises incorporate our unique creativity and motivation tools, plus how-to and other books. Our workshops are proven to help members and residents make the most out of every day as they become involved in this dynamic, fun pastime that provides invaluable gifts -- for their own mental health and their families' delight. Comments from some participants:
“Makes my week!”
“Expands my mind.” “Opened the floodgates.”
“Enlivening, spirited discussions in writings.” “Interesting and inspirational.” “It’s just plain fun!” “Wonderfully uplifting.”
“Unlocked the doors to memories long forgotten but still present.” “The participants are nice, the group inclusive; I’ve made a lot of new friends.”
You may get your
own story posted on our site, or published in one of our books!
See below. And scroll down
for more information and comments from class members.
Yourself™ –
Pawprints Writing Club for non-memoir
Tools and
workshop for creative and fiction

This unique program specially designed for seniors draws
on a new short prose form, love of animals, the outdoors and your own adventures to inspire
you to want to write. Techniques are EASY TO LEARN,
based on stories people relate to readily. Short, short "tails" – such
as "Moonlit Fox," "Nose Fur" and "All the Men in My Life
Snore" – hit people’s funny bones, lift the spirits, and move readers
to "think differently."

Stories the author
wrote in Pawprints are personal, and inspire readers to write from the heart –- a
very powerful tool for expressing oneself, and for catharsis.
Whichever writing style or workshop you choose,
you will find yourself enriched.You'll
surprise yourself by having fun! You’ll get a boost in morale, enhance
your writing skills, and gain self-confidence. You’ll learn special
creative writing techniques, and how to develop your own writing
"Pawprints" and
the Footprints Writing Clubs are proven to:
listeners to volunteer to talk about their own
experiences, motivate and show participants how to capture them on paper |
Spark creativity among budding authors |
Help with
writing form, vocabulary, grammar and structure |
"Unblock!" |
Footprints Writing
Clubs for Seniors are Perfect for:
- People who want to develop their writing projects further!
see more comments and samples of writing,
click here.
As a participant in the
Footprints Writing Clubs, you may get your own story published on our
site, and in one of our books. Take a look at some of the
writing our participants have been doing:

You may also submit a story for us online. We
reserve the right to edit, and to publish it on our site and in other
media. Your personal information will always be kept private -- please check our privacy policy. Click below to go to our online story submission form. 

Contact us for times WHERE: Felicia Mahood Senior Multipurpose Center
11338 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025Ina Hillebrandt
created Grief Lifters originally after conducting focus group
interviews with over 100 widows and widowers across the county for
TIAA/CREF. The objective was to find ways to help their members
deal with the loss of a spouse. Later, Ina conducted classes for
the Hyatt Classic Residence in Monterey, CA, and in recent years has
been holding weekly meetings in Los Angeles. Members have said: Dear Ina Hillebrandt, Your class has been the most helpful to
me. I am overcoming my pain and grief due to your help, your
kindness and your expertise. Love you, Addie Jacobbs Dear Ina, I've never done
anything alone, voluntarily. Felicia Mahood is having a day's trip to Lake Arrowhead and I desperately wanted to go, but none of my friends wanted to go. Hurrah! I decided to heck with it. I'm
going anyway! Thank you for giving me the insight and courage.
Sophie Chudacoff As a participant in the Grief Lifters group I can only offer the highest praise for Ina Hillebrandt. Having attended several such groups, hers is the most beneficial and instructive. Thank you for affording me this necessary tool to my period of adjustment. Earl Boretz After going to other bereavement classes, by accident, I learned about this class. Thank God. Rose LaVine "Thank you, Ina,
for helping our Dad and for bringing us closer. We've been anxious
to see the stories he wrote about the family, and surprised to see
all his about the (fictional) family of Mo the cat...glad he's
making people laugh and inspiring them to write." Children of Earl
to "How to Write Your Memoirs" and "Stories from the Heart" Vols. 1 and 2
When people
lose someone close, it is a shock, whether the death comes suddenly or
is the result of an illness. In this class, members learn
valuable coping skills from each other, previous members and Ina, who
has lost a number of people close, including her younger brother as
well as her husband, parents, and a flock of cats plus Handsome, The
World's Best Dog.
Help your
clients deal with loss with the tools in this program.
Contact us
to get more information. |
Note: In Los Angeles, these classes are sponsored and are
free for seniors courtesy of Pawpress, the Jewish Family Service and the City of
Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks' Felicia Mahood
MultiPurpose Center. For more information on transportation and
directions to
Felicia Mahood
, you can call 310-479-4119. For program information, please contact Ina by
e-mail by clicking here. To inquire about setting up
classes in your area, you can also contact Ina at
the email address above,
or see our additional contact information by clicking here. Click for information on the
Pawprints Writing Clubs for Kids,
contact us, and be sure to visit our
Corner, Literacy Plus and other Kids,
Parents and
Educators pages by
clicking on the buttons above, right, and below.