FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            CONTACT:    Anna
 Feb. 15, 2005                                                       
Phone:        310. 471.5048    Fax: 310.471.7528

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To Celebrate Book of Funny, Poignant Tales Spanning A Range Of Continents And Times
Edited and Compiled by Ina Hillebrandt, Creator, Pawprints Writing Clubs™




"At Cherbourg, we took the Orient Express to Budapest…"

"Winkie was part of a litter produced from an illicit affair between Bunny’s Great Dane and the neighbor’s boxer…"

"Africa grips me by the throat. Shakes me like a dog with a rat, refusing to let me go…"

Enjoy the lively spirits of these talented, mainly first-time book authors, as they read selections from their early and more recent days. You’ll hear stories on everything from great grape fiascos to wars…touching, comic, tender, frightening, insightful memories narrated in the distinctive voices of Angelenos originally from India, Hungary, South Africa, Poland and the U.S.

The authors will sign autographs and join the crowd for ice cream. Music will accompany the readings.

WHEN: March 9, 2005, 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: Felicia Mahood Multipurpose Senior Center, 11338 Santa Monica Blvd. L.A., CA 90025


Authors include Kay Roberts, newly minted 70+ stand-up comic of “Winkie” above;  world renowned South African artist Andre van Zijl,  who contributed illustrations for our book, along with excepts from his autobiography-in-progress; Jane Madeline, “Great Grape Fiasco” lady who transports the reader back in time with her delightful stories of growing up in America; Eliza Crawford, who with her prominent husband dealt with Nak (snake) fairs, gold and silver smugglers, lions and much more in British India; Sophie Chudacoff, 93 year old dynamo of the Orient Express tale – a still active, major City of Hope fund raiser; David Brooks, who grew up in Poland and writes of chilling events foreshadowing his days in concentration camps, Howard Westley, WWII pilot/beekeeper/musician, plus other unique writers, each with compelling tales to share.  

Readers’ comments about Stories From The Heart, Vol. 2, “These words are alive!  The stories are so honest, they’re refreshing!  Profound, and utterly charming.” Ms. G.S., a long time member of arts boards in Los Angeles  “This book is so good.  The Pawprints Writing Club creates a sense of community, which people lack these days.  People get to tell their stories … And the book is beautiful!”  Diane Slade, artist and therapist, Napa CA.  Stories From The Heart, Vol. 2, was written by members of Ina Hillebrandt’s Pawprints Writing Club in Los Angeles. 

For more information about the event, the authors, the Pawprints Writing Clubs, Stories From The Heart, Vols. 1 and 2, or any of the books used in the program -- Pawprints, How to Write Your Memoirs…Fun Prompts to Make Writing … and Reading … Your Life Stories a Pleasure, © Ina Hillebrandt and published by Pawpress -- media and readers are invited to take a paws at our website, or call Anna or Ina at 310-471-5048. NOTE: To go direct to the new Stories From The Heart on, please include entire title, Stories From The Heart, Vol. 2.



Authors are available for interviews  -- for pictures and brief bios, please see on our site:
http://www. Memoirs_from_Pawprints_Grownups_Workshops.htm

Ina is also available for interviews.  Please see photo and bio attached.
For interviews or to obtain a review copy of our books please contact Pawpress at 310.471-5048.  


Pawpress, Brentwood Village, P.O. Box 492213    Los Angeles, CA 90049


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