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Dear Dr. Baum --
have a problem with my 13 month German shepherd. His diarrhea has
been on and off since 4 mo. 3 mo. ago he began losing weight, so I
went to a vet. Blood work and stool tests were normal but x-rays
showed that his colon was huge and thick. He had Albon,
Metrodanzanole, and Metoclopramide to be on the safe side. He eats
a hypoallergenic food and has 3 to 4 times the amount of food for
his size but will
not put on weight. He should be 25 lbs more. He looks very
emaciated, but his
coat, energy level, and everything else are normal. Thank you for
any ideas
Warren, MI USA
Stephanie --
There is a
good chance that your dog has a digestive enzyme deficiency. The
pancreas produces enzymes which are important in the breakdown of
proteins, starches and fats. Failure to adequately produce and
excrete these substances leads to a situation in which the nutrition
provided by the food cannot be absorbed through the intestinal wall
thus resulting in severe diarrhea. This dog is literally starving
because the nutrients contained in the food are really not available
to his body.
The condition is readily detected
with non invasive blood tests like pancreatic TLI which measures the
levels of the pancreatic enzyme Trypsin. But, what is even better,
is that the condition can be successfully treated by premixing the
food with a medication named Vio-Kase. This product pre-digests the
food through its enzymatic activity, thus rendering the nutrients
This condition is especially common
in German Shepherds. Please let me know how this case turns out.