Check out Ina's YouTube Video Channel
Playlists |

More about Chester's new book, From The Potato to Star Trek and
Beyond: Memoirs of a Rocket Scientist
Adventures with Pawpress
Author Chester L. Richards and Ina Hillebrandt
Our newest series, Adventures with Pawpress Author
Chester L. Richards and Ina Hillebrandt, takes viewers from The
Great Music Stands Adventure to Flying Rockets in Space is Fun. There's
also the story of the man Chester called Uncle Bob, who invented the
engine that earned Ford first place at Le Mans, featured in the film in Ford v Ferrari.
Do tune in, pull up a chair and travel with us to the
adventures of a lifetime, from his new book, From The Potato to
Star Trek and Beyond: Memoirs of a Rocket Scientist. We think you'll agree with Ina and Chester's
growing list of fans -- he's a most lively, riveting storyteller, with a
fine sense of wry. Find the videos mentioned
here and others coming soon in the playlist on our channel.

"You Are Who You Eat?"
"The Revolutionary New Cannibal
Well, have you been trying to lose weight? Forever?
Alrighty, then. Have we got a plan for you! You Are Who You Eat
has weight loss tips - like "Lay off fried people" -- that apply to all
of us, cannibal and civilian alike. Sprinkled liberally with social
satire marinated in cannibal jokes and lore, and highly seasoned with
cartoons by world renowned "Playboy, Esquire, and The New Yorker artist
Dedini. To find out more, watch people react to the book, and to author
Ina Hillebrandt....and watch your fingers.
See Albert, shown here debating with himself, "Is this a
diet book? It's not something you see every day. A naked lady and a diet
for her. It's funny!"
More videos of readers and of Ina in "Cannibals
Invade The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, in which she discusses a
new recipe from her upcoming "Cannibal Home Companion."
Author Ina Hillebrandt on Pawprints,
Concerti, and more
In this playlist, Ina Hillebrandt on Pawprints and
Concerti, we see that Ina loves lots of things: Laughing, squirrels,
cats, dogs, horses, raccoons, Brazilian music (check "Concerto for
Percussion and Yawn"), and her daughter Nicole. All of this came
together when a gaggle of squirrels had a picnic on her lap. Honored by
their trust, she refused to wash their little paw prints from her
slacks. And her first book, Pawprints, was born. Thanks so much,
from Ina, to the folks at WXEL for covering this booksigning at Liberty
Books in Palm Beach, FL, and for sharing it periodically on your show.
Also in this playlist, Irwin Zucker, legendary
book industry icon and host extraordinaire presents Ina with the IRWIN
(Industry Recognition of Writers in the News) Award.
Tune in Oct. 22 and Oct. 23 to see Book Award presented
by Desiree Duffy, at The BookFest ®.
 Tuba and bass player Ira Westley, a veteran of the Harry James Band, responding to Ina's question, based on a story he was tellling:
"I think we all want to know, when was the last time you went to a strip joint?" |
"Stories From The Heart" Authors Win
Footprints Writing Clubs
Stories From The Heart Authors glow as they share stories of their
lives onstage.
In the audience at the Pawpress Ice Cream Social book launch, film
composer Bebe Barron said, "I want to get to know them all!" (Ms.
Barron, with husband Louis, introduced electronic music to film in
"Forbidden Planet.")
The Footprints Writing Clubs playlist
includes stories by Holocaust survivor David Brook, world renowned artist and
writer Andre van Zijl on how his native South Africa "grabs [me] by the
throat and won't let me go," effervescent Kay Roberts, creator of
Norman B. Gnome and our Fairy Tales for Grownups, reading "Cookies,"
and other
oddments as only Kay could, and other talented Footprints writers. The
snippet here features our Ice Cream Social Book Launch of Vol. 2, bestseller of Stories From The Heart.
Note of thanks from Ina: We are forever grateful to
Ellen Gaines, Director at Felicia Mahood Senior Center, and
City of LA Department of Recreation and Parks, for
sponsoring Footprints program, including Ice Cream Social book launches.


The Fall 2022 BookFest®
Join in the quest for new stories at your soon-to-be favorite book
festival. Black Chateau Enterprises and Books That Make You bring you
The BookFest®.
With events showcasing prominent authors, literary luminaries,
journalists, speakers, thought leaders, and publishing professionals,
you don’t want to miss a thing!


The Adventure of a Lifetime Chat with Chester L. Richards
What happens when your life takes you from an encounter with the The
Great Potato to becoming an aerospace engineer? What happens when
you go from co-writing an episode of the original Star Trek to
whitewater rafting?
Memoirist Chester L. Richards discusses his many adventures with Ina
the Memoir Coach and President of Pawpress, Ina Hillebrandt
#ChesterLRichards #TheBookFest #FromThePotatoToStarTrek #StarTrek
#BlackChateau #Beatrice Adenodi #ClimateChange #ThoughtLeaders #ProminentAuthors

Pawpress is proud to announce our new baby --
From The Potato to Star Trek and Beyond: Memoirs of a Rocket
Scientist. Now available worldwide. Get your copy now at the
links below or at your favorite bookseller.

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