Pawprints Literacy Plus program, bringing love of animals to literacy and
environmental stewardship, can be implemented in different ways, depending
upon budget and time considerations. The program has been used with more than
1,000 young people in Los Angeles, New York and other cities in the U.S., and
hundreds of adults and seniors. Educators, recreation and environmental
professionals are using the book Pawprints and exercises from the
companion Student Prints curriculum guide as follows:
programs—for youngsters from 1st –12th grade, and for
ESL students of all ages:
curriculum -
language arts and science
in Los Angeles and New York City are using Pawprints as a reading and
writing tool in the classroom. As you know, recent
research has shown that youngsters’ achievement level in both reading and
math improves with exposure to the out-of-doors, and the Pawprints
program incorporates such activities.
After-school creativity and enrichment programs:
A special series of sessions as outlined in the curriculum guide,
including guided observations and write-up practice with animals at-home, in
the class, outside the facility, in the neighborhood and more. Ideas for
field trips and special visitors. Habitats are explored as part of the
course. Emphasis is on fun and creative development, plus encouragement of
care for animals and the environment. Drama, music
and other performance art elements are a part of the program.
Directors at
the City of Los Angeles Recreation and Parks Department are using a
turnkey version (Hillebrandt facilitating a series of sessions). Ina also is
available to appear once during a series of sessions as “the
author,” in after school and core curriculum in New York and Los Angeles.
We are currently training other staff for planned expansion.
In a pilot test, The Jane Goodall Institute incorporated Pawprints in its
Roots & Shoots Educators’
workshop in Los Angeles. We are in planning to work with JGI Roots & Shoots
again, allowing youngsters to reach out to others in 92 countries, and have
access to the inspirational teachings that are part of Dr. Goodall's unique
materials. WOW
(Wonderful Outdoor World), an LA (and other city) Rec and
Parks program co-sponsored by The Walt Disney Company, the U.S. Forest Service,
and environmental organizations, adopted
the book and program for use in a campfire and overnight tent
story-telling setting. The Audubon Society is planning to
collaborate with us in its new national green space education campaign for
youth and families.
As planned, we are now working with adults, including seniors
Adult groups: For the past two years, we have
been working with seniors, who meet weekly to read and write in short, short
story format, or in longer form. Both fiction and memoir writing classes are
now available. For fiction, animal tales from Pawprints are the jumping off point.
Special tools designed by Ina Hillebrandt for use with adults in Fortune 500
companies are incorporated in all adult programs. We very excited that
our seniors in L.A. have penned an
best seller! And
that they performed
in a live show with music. We are planning more appearances and a
new book is underway.
also meet for our Grief Lifters™
program, created by Ms. Hillebrandt after interviews with more than 100
seniors coast to coast who had lost a spouse. This program has been
ongoing for over two years in Los Angeles, after initial research and programs were
conducted for TIAA/CREF and Hyatt Classic Residence. Some participants
from Grief Lifters moved into the Footprints Writing Classes™
and remained actively writing stories and memoirs. |
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