(If you live in Los Angeles, come to our free class Thursday mornings. Click for de-tails.) |
Periodic bone mots, Dr. B's pet care tips, your stories, Ina's stories,
Have you been thinking about writing stories of your own life? Some reasons you might consider plucking those notes from the shoebox and developing them now:
Step 1. Create your group -- yourself and friends who would also like to tap into their creative genies.
Step 2. Get our new, really easy to use book How to Write Your Memoirs, for yourself and friends. As in the Pawprints Creative/Fiction Writing Clubs, founders will get a free copy of "Diving Boards" upon proof of purchase of at least 6 copies of How to Write Your Memoirs. (Scroll down to see how.)Step 3. In your first meeting, read the introductory section to get some ideas on structures that might work for you. Once you have determined how you want to proceed, turn to the section in the Table of Contents that relates to your thinking. Use the prompts to jog your memory and write for a half hour during your meeting. Read aloud and critique, as above.Alternative Step 3. Open the book to any page after the Table of Contents and use the prompt(s) on the page to stimulate the group!Step 4. Join our InasPawprints.com Memoir Writing Club and receive benefits of being able to be published online, and getting ongoing ideas to help keep the groups' stories flowing, how to improve recall, how to support each other when a particular memory is difficult, and much more.Special for Pawprints MEMOIR Writing Club founders: Just send us confirmation that your group has bought at least 6 copies of How To Write Your Memoirs and you'll receive a free Pawprints Journal! Scroll down to see how.*Step 5 and following. Learn how to make the most out of your sessions through our Pawprints Memoir Writing Club .. ongoing memory jogs, tips to keep members motivated, and much more.NOTE: Would you rather work on your own at home? Join our virtual club online! Individual subscribers will receive valuable tips that will help keep the words and images flowing, and organized, and you can also send Ina up to three questions and receive a personalized answer! Just $10 for a three month membership! *ATTN: PAWPRINTS WRITING CLUB AND MEMOIR WRITING CLUB FOUNDERS: To get your free book, send us a copy of your groups' book receipts using our contact us info.
New! Memoir Writing
Classes, Training for Groups!
Classes for Senior Living/Community Centers, Staff Training Corporate training for creative writing/team building also available from Ina, a Fortune 500 Consultant for 20+ years for clients such as SEARS, VISA, IBM, etc. For more information on Senior or corporate classes or training, contact us. Click for more information on Kids' Literacy, Writing and Reading programs, and the Pawprints Kids Writing Clubs. |